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Frequently asked questions

Where did the concept of Living Soil come from?

“Living Soil” refers to the diverse community of microbes, fungus, minerals, and photosynthesizers which break down organic matter and allows life to flourish. Many sustainability thinkers and doers use the term “living soil” to speak about the symbiotic relationships that occur to nurture healthy ecosystems and the interdependence of life support systems like soil. Dilafruz Williams and Rudolf Steiner are two educators who have popularized the term. 

Why is it called Living Soil when you offer Life Coaching, Yoga, Reiki, and Hand Analysis?

LSI is about creating regenerative experiences for the Earth, our communities, and ourselves. If we wish to change others or larger systems, we must concurrently seek to heal our own depletions and imbalances. Because we are growing on “Earth Time” we are focusing on services which we can immediately offer to support individual health and purpose. As our capacity and networks develop, we will facilitate gatherings and workshops which bring communities and our Earth into reciprocal relationship. 

How do I know how much to pay for your sliding scale?

We understand that everyone’s financial relationships impact what they can exchange while maintaining an open heart. This work is meant to be regenerative and beautifully supportive-what you pay wants to be an exchange that equals the value of your experience with us. If you are unsure what that is, please email us and we can have a clarifying conversation to help shed light on what feels good for both of us.

Do you teach people how to grow living soil?

Living Soil Institute follows indigenous wisdom which birthed the modern Permaculture movement and principles. Our motto is to “Use small and slow solutions” to dramatically shift our dominant paradigm to one of relationship with others. We practice the principles of Honorable Harvest as laid out by Potawatomi Educator Robin Wall Kimmerer. Learning how to tend and grow living soil is one of the relationships we nurture at LSI and speaks to the “regenerating our earth” part of our mission.

Can I have LSI come speak at my event or be part of my retreat or fair?

Absolutely! We are trained public speakers, educators, and facilitators that are passionate about connecting with groups of all sizes. Whether you are offering continuing education for public school employees, hosting a mindfulness weekend, or offering professional development for employees, we have activities, curriculum, and inspiring messages to share. 

Is LSI open to partnering with my organization for trainings, celebrations, gatherings etc?

We are ALL about reciprocity and partnerships! If you have an idea that you feel LSI would be a great partner for, please email or call us. 

Regenerate. Heal. Grow.

Living Soil Institute

Milwaukie, OR 97222

(503) 708-3249