Living Soil Advocacy


About Living Soil Advocacy

Growing living soil by  practicing regenerative agriculture is one of the fastest ways to draw down carbon and reverse climate change. Through workshops, trainings, and presentations, LSI is here to facilitate learning about this powerful healing opportunity for our earth.


As trained educators in leadership and sustainability, we also offer trainings and demonstrations to organizations, political bodies, and groups interested in incorporating regenerative principles into their work and policies around living soils and healthy communities. 

We are certified Soil Advocates through Kiss the Ground, a regenerative agriculture focused advocacy an policy non-profit which is changing the conversation on what it means to the planet and its inhabitants to cultivate living soil.


Schedule A Consultation Today

Protect what you love. Grow what sustains life.

Regenerate. Heal. Grow.

Living Soil Institute

Milwaukie, OR 97222


(503) 708-3249